red basket servant,

Red Basket Servant

God called me to be a Red basket servant. Yes one of thosered plastic baskets some restaurants use to serve fries, chips, and chicken wings?Let me explain.

As I stormed the gates of heaven begging God to use me, He showed me a picture in my head of a red basket with some pita bread, broken into pieces. The image made me hungry-sorry Lord.

The Spirit impressed upon my heart, You are the basket…my servant, always be prepared. Now go to the Bible and study both stories of Jesus feeding the multitudes.

I opened my Bible, after I had a snack.I read:

Mathew 14:10-21 The story of Jesus feeding the 5000 after the beheading of his cousin, John the Baptist.

Jesus was heartbroken. He tried to go to a desolate place by himself but He was followed by people who wanted to be healed.  He had compassion on them, He healed them and then fed them.

Mathew 15:29-39  Jesus was on a mountain healing many. He was joyful; the people glorified the God of Israel because of all the miracles.  Then Jesus fed them.

As I compared these two stories the Spirit echoed in my heart,

Like Jesus, I will use you to feed many. Whether you are in physical or emotional pain, in a desolate place, or on a mountain top, filled with joy.  No matter the circumstance, you are my servant. I will use you when I want and how I want. Always be prepared.

I thought of the red plastic basket in my vision.  It has no great value, but it held bread, the sustenance of life.

I hold The Word of God in my head and heart, which can nourish many.  

God tests me as His Red Basket Servant.  He has called me to serve out of fear, pain and joy.At times I’m so weak and tired, I don’t want to minister to anyone.  I want someone to minister to me.Have you ever felt like that?God reminds me that I’m a Red Basket Servant and it’s His Spirit that empowers me to serve, no matter how much pain I’m in.I have served reluctantly, but God changes my heart when I see how He is glorified through my obedience.

My favorite Red Basket moments are when God uses me to encourage a group of ladies. I love to teach the Word and serve God in this capacity. I am so excited when I observe the Spirit change someone’s countenance from sorrow to joy.No matter when or where I serve, my Savior reminds me that I serve in His power, for His glory.   

We are all Red Basket Servants, called to be broken and used by our Master, when and where He desires.

At times I feel more like a basket case than a Red Basket Servant.God reminds me that He loves me no matter what.We get to serve the King of the Universe.Please share with me how God has used you as His Red Basket Servant. Don’t be shy, join the conversation.It’s all for His glory.Praise His holy name.

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