chopped liver

What am I, Chopped Liver?

We love to laugh.  Hugs are generous and clean jokes are plentiful in our small family of three.  One morning, on his way out the door to catch the school bus, my son hugged me and descended the stairs.A voice from the back bedroom shouted, “Don’t I get a hug?  What am I chopped liver? My son ran into the arms of his dad, and we all laughed.  Whenever someone feels slighted or left out in our family, we jokingly say,“What am I chopped Liver?”  One morning I was pleading with God to send someone to help me write a fiction book.  After all, He placed it on my heart to write.As a new author, I lacked many skills, and to be honest, I didn’t know how to write fiction.  Various names swirled through my head as I prayed. I sat in silence, waiting to hear from the Lord.Again I asked, “Lord, is there someone who can help me write this book?”I listened intently; then the  Holy Spirit echoed in my head, What am I, Chopped liver?God and I had a laugh.   My Heavenly Father sent writers my way to help me learn. I attended conferences and took a few online classes with experts.

The book is almost finished, and it won an award for the first ten pages.

My son advised me on one of the characters. He’s definitely not chopped liver.Do you need God to help you today?Just ask Him.In God’s eyes, you’re not chopped liver.

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